Come and join Biomass Connect with Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and SAC Consulting for an opportunity to learn about growing biomass crops.
The event will focus on showcasing a range of biomass crops and discussions on the agronomy, economics, and environmental impacts of different biomass crops, and how biomass crops can be integrated into existing land management systems for maximum benefit. There will be a guided crop tour to view various biomass crops planted at the Biomass Connect demonstrator hub site at SRUC Boghall farm, Edinburgh.
09.30 Convene, tea & coffee
10.00 Introduction and talks
Biomass Connect, introduction and overview
Biomass crops for integrated land management
Working with biomass crops
11.00 Crop tour: field walk
Biomass Connect hub site where we’ll visit the trials that are currently growing at the Boghall hub site:
Black locust ‘Turbo’ and black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’
SRF alder
SRF Eucalyptus
SRF and SRC poplar
SRC willow and the willow varieties trial
Commercial clone Miscanthus giganteus and the Miscanthus varieties trial
12.30 Q & A - Wrap up, final thoughts
13.00 Lunch/networking
Cost: FREE