
Exciting development in Equine Grass Sickness case reporting
Equine grass sickness (EGS) is a devastating and complex disease of equines, which unfortunately can occur anywhere in the UK, where sadly 80% of animals suffering from it will die. In a new approach for answers, the Equine Grass Sickness Fund (EGSF) and Moredun Research Institute (MRI) launched a new project three years ago.

DNA encoding method aids data-driven genetics research
New approach to representing genetic inheritance could support studies involving large datasets. A new method of encoding and understanding the ancestry of a set of related DNA sequences could support storage and analysis of large genetic datasets.

AbacusBio and Bayer expand collaboration to additional crops and geographies
Following a successful year of collaboration, AbacusBio and Bayer have agreed to expand their partnership in the area of predictive plant breeding. This marks AbacusBio’s largest collaboration to date, which is anticipated to have a far-reaching impact along numerous crop supply chains.

AI’s future stars join Edinburgh accelerator
A body-sizing app to improve online shopping, 3D printed tumours to test cancer drugs, and a mental health early warning monitor are among the 12 innovations selected for the next University of Edinburgh AI Accelerator.

MSZ Business Forum discuss data opportunities
Midlothian businesses joined the second MSZ Business Forum on Tuesday 9th March to learn more about data-driven opportunities and business support.

Farm data capture tool will benefit Ugandan pig farmers
Pig farming is one of the fastest growing livestock activities in Uganda and is a means of increasing food, income and employment.
A new initiative aims to increase the productivity and profitability of pig smallholders in Uganda.
The PigBoost tool will help improve decision making of farmers and thus performance and efficacy in managing their herds both for improved genetic merit and reduced disease impacts.