Embark on a transformative journey with an event that transcends conventional narratives to illuminate the multifaceted roles of livestock in shaping a sustainable future. Explore how responsible livestock management practices foster biodiversity conservation, harmonising ecosystems and safeguarding endangered species. Discover the transformative power of a circular bioeconomy, spotlighting livestock's pivotal role in creating value, minimising waste, and promoting sustainability. Delve into diverse economies, from biomethane production to sustainable phosphorus extraction, pharmaceutical development, and the utilisation of livestock-derived ingredients in clothing and cosmetics industries. Join us as we foster dialogue, innovation, and collaboration towards a more sustainable future powered by the untapped potential of livestock.
This event caters to a broad audience interested in sustainability, agriculture, and innovation. Farmers and agricultural practitioners seeking sustainable livestock management techniques will find practical solutions. Researchers exploring biodiversity conservation, circular bioeconomy, and resource recovery will discover cutting-edge advancements. Professionals in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, clothing and renewable energy will learn about livestock-derived applications. Policymakers and environmental advocates can gain insights into shaping sustainable agricultural policies. Ultimately, this event welcomes all who wish to explore the transformative potential of livestock beyond food systems and contribute to a sustainable future.
Call For Posters
Contributions are invited from early-stage researchers and PhD students working on the fields of sustainable agriculture, biodiversity and environmental health and resilience, circular economy, renewable energy, resource management, pharmaceuticals, clothing and cosmetics. Abstracts should demonstrate how livestock, and its waste or co-products, are a key component within their project and the relevant industries.
The objective for the competition is to identify posters which best explain the outcomes of the research, and also in the context of the potential application of the results by the industry and consumers. There will be voucher prizes of £100 for 1st place and £50 for 2nd place. An abstract of maximum 250 words (250 words does not include author names, affiliations, references or figure captions) indicating title, authors, institution included with the Poster, should be sent to conferences@soci.org by Monday 18 November 2024 with the subject line “Livestock beyond food - poster submission” You can download an abstract template here.
For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org.