Launch of new poultry laboratory

The new state of the art poultry laboratory is located on Pentlands Science Park and will offer a full range of microbiology, serology and parasitology testing to the poultry industry.

The laboratory has ISO:17025 accreditation for a number of tests and is also approved by DEFRA for testing under the CSPO, ABPR and TARP regulations as well as Poultry Health Scheme testing.

The laboratory will begin accepting samples from 8th January 2018.

Biobest Laboratory
The launch of this new facility will expand the range of services that Biobest can offer and will allow us to provide poultry customers with a vet led, high quality laboratory service unlike anything currently available in the private sector. Working closely with leading poultry vets we have ensured that our laboratory can offer a service which matches not only the regulatory requirements but also the individual needs of our customers in today’s marketplace.
— Stuart Marshall, Chief Operations Officer, Biobest

During 2019 and 2020, Biobest has tested samples from 59,706 cats and dogs that have undergone rabies vaccinations – more than double the total of 24,608 they tested in the whole of the previous two years.

The increase has been attributed to more owners preparing for a ‘hard’ Brexit and the uncertainty of what will happen if the UK leaves Europe without a deal, and rules Europe could impose on UK pets travelling abroad.

In the event of a no-deal Brexit, where the UK is an unlisted third country, pet owners would need to prove animals are effectively vaccinated against rabies before they could travel with their pet to EU countries. This would require a blood titre test to demonstrate sufficient levels of rabies antibody, which would need to be carried out a minimum of 30 days after any initial rabies vaccination.

Biobest saw a spike in the number of tests being carried out in early 2019 after the Government lost three votes on the Brexit deal in Parliament, shortly after Defra issued advice on pet travel in November 2018. In March 2019, they tested 6,249 samples – the highest number in a month and nearly six times higher than March 2018.

The surge in numbers started after Defra issued advice on the Pet Travel Scheme in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Pet owners have been preparing for two years in case of a no-deal as it is unclear what rules Europe will impose on the UK. We have to assume that the UK will be a third country so a blood test after the vaccination will be required.

“When the UK Leaves the EU, our results will still be valid for pet travel as Biobest will become an EU-recognised laboratory that is outside the EU. Our test results are valid now and will be valid in the future after Brexit.
— Paul Burr, Biobest director

The new facility will be managed by Justyna Pienio, an experienced food and poultry microbiologist, who previously
managed the Origin group poultry laboratory in Hemingford. Justyna is joined by a team of scientists and support
staff including microbiologists with industry experience. All of the team have been through the rigorous Biobest
training program and are now keen to start processing live samples.

As well as providing services to the poultry industry the new facility will provide microbiological support to the
main Biobest laboratory.

Over time the new facility will use Biobest’s expertise in areas such as molecular biology to increase the range of testing available to our poultry clients. This will ensure that our customers are always able to access the most up to date diagnostic technologies and services.

Submission forms and further details will be available on Biobest website shortly and a  launch event for the new facility will take place early in the New Year.

If you would like to discuss your testing requirements or register interest in attending our launch event please contact:

t: 0131 440 2628


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